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Meditation Made Easy: For Health and Happiness

by Debbie Mandel
A compact book of beautiful and effective meditations for beginners - using the five senses.

Mindfulness, relaxation response, cognitive behavioral modification - these are the buzz words of meditation. To many the concept is abstract, new agey and a slick panacea for whatever ails you. However, the mind/body benefits are actually real and have been documented. Yet many of us resist the idea of meditation or view it as an impossible dream. The excuses abound: I’m too busy; you want to make a Buddhist out of me? I am bombarded by too many images; I get no images. The problem with many meditations is that they are too long. I therefore wrote a series of short yet extremely effective meditations.

In my meditative journey I discovered that no drug or food could ever give you the high you experience when you meditate. Small miracles and breakthroughs really do happen when you connect to your higher power and positive attitude. I then started using these short meditations at the close of my stress-management workshops. Many of my workshop participants asked me to transcribe these meditations, so that they could enjoy them at home. As a result, I wrote a compact book of beautiful and effective meditations for beginners- using the five senses. Meditation makes you more receptive because if you are always running around, you are too busy to notice the signals or the coincidences. At the very least, you will be happier and healthier!

The Yin and Yang Experience
Letting Go of the Past
Healing Yourself
The Sounds of Serenity
The Journey of Yielding
Achieving Your Goals
Restful Sleep
Awaken Your Intuition
Increasing Confidence
Expand Your Heart

Price: $1.49 US

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