Tabitha Ann
Tabitha Ann is a believer in words and in the magic inside each of us. She is currently polishing her second book, The Exquisiteness of Seeing, a work of woman´s fiction. She blogs at: THROUGH MY EYES http://tabithabird.blogspot.com/ |
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Manijeh Badiozamani
Manijeh Badiozamani is a literary non-fiction writer. She writes mostly about her experiences growing up in Tehran, Iran, where she was born. Her short stories and articles have been published in magazines, anthologies and on the Web. She is a retired professor of English, and is currently working on a collection of short stories: "Family Tales from Tehran", and a non-fiction, "A Year in Middle America, Letters to My Parents." |
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Mark Berkery
Mark was born to itinerant Irish parents which set the scene for a restless life. Like the Gypsy, he couldn´t accept the moribund values of a soulless society, what passed for important or posed as spiritual. The resulting roller-coaster of experience and inner conflict eventually gave way to a love of the simple sense of nature that he now lives - the best he can - as a form of meditation. He expresses his ongoing exploration of nature´s spiritual value through his writing and pictures at www.beingmark.com |
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Susan P. Blevins
Susan P. Blevins, an ex-pat Brit, has traveled the world extensively, lived in Italy for 26 years, and has now settled in Houston, Texas, where she is enjoying writing stories and poems based on her travels and adventures. She had a weekly column on food in a European newspaper and has published various articles on gardens in US and European magazines. She is passionate about classical music, gardening, cats, reading and of course, writing. |
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Tara Borin
After 10 years in Canada´s Yukon Territory, Tara Borin has returned to London, Ontario, where she writes poetry and wrangles 3 kids. She lives on tea and chocolate. You can find her online at http://taraborin.blogspot.com |
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Misky Braendeholm
Misky Braendeholm lives in the UK surrounded by flowers, grapevines, bubbling pots of sourdough starter, and always keeps dog biscuits in her pocket for her blind Springer Spaniel. She never buys clothing without pockets. Her work is widely published. |
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Kimberly Garrett Brown
Kimberly Garrett Brown’s work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Today´s Chicago Woman, The National View Alumni Magazine, The Naperville Sun, The Pitkin Review and Compass Literary Magazine. Her novel-in-progress made the 2015 Short List for The William Faulkner – William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition. Kimberly has MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. She is the Founder and Editor of Minerva Rising Literary Journal -www.minervarising.com. |
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Christine Catalano
Christine likes to take photographs and play with them on the computer. She dedicates her work to her muse and longtime friend, who passed away recently. |
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Jan Charone-Sossin
Jan Charone-Sossin is a passionate reader and writer whose interest in the human psyche has only been further fueled by her career as a clinical psychologist. She does all of her writing with her beloved King Charles Cavalier at her side. She is currently finishing up her final semester in the MFA program at Bennington College. The characters in Prey Versus Predator live on in a yet-to-be published novel entitled Falling: The First Descent. |
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Carol Dandrade
Carol became interested in photography in retirement and is primarily self-taught. Viewing life through a lens has allowed her to see light, people, places and objects with fresh eyes. She is especially drawn to capture waterscapes and foggy landscapes. Her photos have been displayed and awarded in local art shows and published in the New England Wildflower Magazine, two Blackstone River Valley Corridor calendars, and the Metrowest Daily News. Carol´s website is CarolDandradePhoto.smugmug.com
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Ruth Z. Deming
Ruth Z. Deming, winner of a Leeway Grant for Creative Nonfiction, has been published in Creative Nonfiction, Haggard and Halloo, Ray’s Road Review and other venues. A mental health advocate, she runs New Directions Support Group for people and families affected by depression and bipolar disorder. She lives in Willow Grove, PA, suburban Philadelphia. |
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Ken Allan Dronsfield
Ken Allan Dronsfield is a Published Poet and Author originally from Hampton New Hampshire, now residing in Oklahoma. He has been writing for many years and enjoys hiking, playing guitar and spending time with his cats Merlin and Willa. His published work can be found in Journals, Magazines and Blogs in print and the Web.
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Bob Evans
A late-comer to art photography, Bob spent his early career working in engineering. He finds that creating something from nothing gives a tremendous rush. Bob strongly believes in taking the subject ‘as-is’ - no posing, no moving of the subject matter. It is capturing the essential essence of the subject matter that is vital to him. As well as photography, Bob is also a keen sculptor and abstract painter. Visit ArckArts.com or follow on FaceBook. |
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Lee Evans
Lee Evans lives in Bath, Maine, where he works for the local YMCA. His poems have appeared in such journals as Four and Twenty, Poetry Porch, The Christendom Review and Anon. He has produced eight poetry collections, which are available on Lulu.com. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/garfy1 |
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Teresa Ann Frazee
Teresa Ann Frazee has been an artist for over 20 years. She has presented juried, invitational and solo exhibitions in galleries, museums, and other venues with countless awards and honors. Additionally, she has always pursued her other love, writing. Inside her world of make believe she creates what she knows to be true. To view Teresa’s paintings please go to www.frazeefinearts.com (Teresa’s Gallery) |
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Joann Grisetti
Joann Grisetti lives in Florida with her husband and two sons. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Haiku Magazine, Daily Love, Lynx, Inclement, Poetry Quarterly, Atlas Poetica, Living Haiku Anthology, Autumn Legends, Whispers In The Wind, Haiku Journal, Wilderness House Review, Sweet Dreams and Night Terrors, and Red Lights. In addition, Joann has published short stories in the Inwood Indiana Press. |
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Leslie E. Hoffman
Leslie E. Hoffman is an independent editor of fiction and non-fiction who moonlights as a poet. Her poems have appeared in Mused, Caesura, Writer’s Bloc, Nevada State College’s 300 Days of Sun, The Mountain Astrologer, The CWC Literary Review, and the international anthologies of Poets with Voices Strong. Leslie is an active member of California Writers Club, Poetry Center San Jose’s Cæsura Editorial Team, and Henderson Writers’ Group, sponsor of the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference. |
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A.J. Huffman
A.J. Huffman has published twelve solo chapbooks and one joint chapbook through various small presses. Her latest poetry collection, A Bizarre Burning of Bees (Transcendent Zero Press), is to be released December 2015. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee, a Best of Net nominee, and has published over 2400 poems in various journals, including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, and Bone Orchard. She is the founding editor of Kind of a Hurricane Press. www.kindofahurricanepress.com.
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Jake Isaacson
Jake grew up on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada. He inherited his mother´s love of literature, and his fathers love of adventure. The inspiration to write poetry was compelling and surprising. Jake is thrilled to make his debut as a poet on "Mused", as he loves the publication´s positivity and creativity. |
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Seth Jani
Seth Jani currently resides in Seattle, WA and is the founder of Seven CirclePress (www.sevencirclepress.com). His own work has been published widely in such places as The Coe Review, The Hamilton Stone Review, Hawai`i Pacific Review, Gingerbread House and Gravel. More about him and his work can be found at www.sethjani.com. |
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Margaret Karmazin
Margaret Karmazin’s credits include stories in numerous magazines including Rosebud, Mobius and North Atlantic Review. She has had four Pushcart and one 2010 Million Writers Award nominations and stories included in STILL GOING STRONG, TEN TWISTED TALES, PIECES OF EIGHT (AUTISM ACCEPTANCE) and other anthologies. Her YA novel, REPLACING FIONA and children’s book, FLICK-FLICK & DREAMER were published by etreasurespublishing.com and RISK, a collection of her short stories is available on Amazon. |
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Kara Emily Krantz
Kara Emily Krantz is a Worcester-based wedding, portrait, and headshot/theater photographer specializing in charming New England venues, outdoor photography, and art that is unique, beautiful and infused with laughter, whimsy, and love.
Kara Emily is a photographer, counselor, teacher, and playwright/poet originally from Sturbridge, MA. She was raised appreciating the simplicity of nature and the beauty of the earth, and these values have remained ingrained within her work. |
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Martha Landman
Martha Landman submitted the works Come to Me, My Father's Footsteps and That Red Car A Metal Mess Against A Tree. The poem "Come to me" was first published by Kind of a Hurricane Press in June 2015. |
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Scott Thomas Outlar
Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site 17Numa.wordpress.com where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, and interviews can be found. His chapbook "Songs of a Dissident" was released in 2015 through Transcendent Zero Press and is available on Amazon. His full-length collection "Happy Hour Hallelujah" is forthcoming in 2016 through CTU Publishing. Scott is a weekly contributor to the Sunday Poetry Page of the social justice newsletter Dissident Voice. |
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Petra Perkins
Petra Perkins, from Denver, has published essays, memoir, humor, fiction and poetry and won top prizes in each of those categories. A retired "rocket scientist", she is a beginning bronze sculptor and emerging writer. Petra´s first book is scheduled to launch this September! www.petrapetra.com |
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Al Rollins
Al Rollins is a retired Local Government Budget Manager. Prior to his Budget Manager´s job, he worked on the Eastern Test Range, in Meteorology for 16 years. In connection with the Space Program he worked and traveled to many foreign countries. He also owned and operated a Photography Studio for several years. Al loves to travel the USA with his wife, Janet, and photograph all the wonders of this great country. To see more of his photography contact: www.AlRollins.com |
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Peggy T. Rush
Peggy Rush (who also writes as Peggy Eldridge-Love and Tess Allen) is a poet, playwright, screenwriter and novelist. Her works include the poetry collections You Beckon, Holding It Together with Band-Aids and Safety Pins, Usher in the Sun, Peach Seeds in the Mipoesias Chapbook Series,novels and novellas His Wife's Diary, The Jewel Thief, The View From Suite 2100, The Grabour Bush, A Bundle Tied in Red and stage plays The Knoll Frames and Two People. Peggy resides with her husband Jeffrey in Woodbridge, Virginia. |
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April Salzano
Recent Pushcart nominee, April Salzano teaches college writing in Pennsylvania where she lives with her husband and two sons. She recently finished her first collection of poetry and is working on a memoir on raising a child with autism. Her work has appeared in journals such as Convergence, The Camel Saloon, Deadsnakes, Montucky Review, Visceral Uterus, Salome, Poetry Quarterly, Writing Tomorrow and Rattle. The author also serves as co-editor at Kind of a Hurricane Press. |
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Wayne Scheer
Wayne Scheer has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes and a Best of the Net. He´s published numerous stories, poems and essays in print and online, including Revealing Moments, a collection of flash stories. http://issuu.com/pearnoir/docs/revealing_moments. His short story, "Zen and the Art of House Painting" has been made into a short film. Wayne lives in Atlanta with his wife and can be contacted at wvscheer AT aol.com |
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LindaAnn Lo Schiavo
Native New Yorker LindaAnn Loschiavo is a busy dramatist, journalist, activist, historian, critic, and poet. Her plays include "Courting Mae West" and "Diamond Lil, Queen of the Bowery" (last onstage in NYC August-November 2013 and available on You Tube). Presently, she is completing her second documentary film and also her latest book: "Flirting with the Fire Gods." Come up sometime and see her Mae West Blog http://MaeWest.blogspot.com & Texas Guinan Blog http://TexasGuinan.blogspot.com |
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Richard Schnap
Richard Schnap is a poet, songwriter and collagist living in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. His poems have most recently appeared locally, nationally
and overseas in a variety of print and online publications. |
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Bob See
Bob See has been actively interested in photography for many years. He enjoys taking images of wildlife and landscapes. Bob can be reached at his golfing site at http://enjoyma.com/golf/. |
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Lisa Shea
Born in Maryland, Lisa Shea has been contentedly nestled in the rolling hills and mossy forests of central Massachusetts since 1995. She is drawn to the ocean and cherishes quiet evenings as the orange glow of sunset glistens across wooden docks. Lisa relishes the challenge of conveying meaning and memorable characters in a measured bounding of time and space. Her stories, poems, and images celebrate natural beauty and serenity. Enjoy thousands of her photos at http://www.lisashea.com |
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J. Scott Shields
Years ago, Scott left the Midwest for the deserts of Arizona. Music, literature, and writing are his passions, and he strives to share his love of the written word with his high school English students each day. Scott’s writing has appeared in the English Journal, Mused, Serials and Short Stories, Canyon Echo, and Treoir magazine (a publication of Comhaltas, an international organization that promotes traditional Irish music and culture). He is also a contributor to the blog, Writing Is Cake. |
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Beate Sigriddaugher
Beate Sigriddaughter grew up in post-WWII Germany and moved to the United States in her teens. Four times a Pushcart Prize nominee, she has published prose and poetry in many literary magazines and ezines. Her novel Audrey: A Book of Love was published in 2015 by ELJ Publications. Please visit her website at www.sigriddaughter.com.
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Terri Simon
Terri Simon has degrees in Writing/Literature and Computer Science and works in IT. She lives in Laurel, Maryland with her husband and dogs. She organizes a poetry Meetup and has more projects than time. Her work has appeared in “Aberration Labyrinth,” “Black Mirror Magazine,” “Jellyfish Whispers” and the anthologies “A Mantle of Stars: A Queen of Heaven Devotional,” and “Switch (The Difference)” and received Honorable Mention in Kind of a Hurricane Press’ Editor’s Choice for 2015.
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Patty Somlo
Patty Somlo has received four Pushcart Prize nominations and one for storySouth’s Million Writers Award. She had an essay selected as Notable by Best American Essays 2014. Author of From Here to There and Other Stories, Somlo has three forthcoming books: a short story collection, The First to Disappear (Spuyten Duvyil), a memoir, Even When Trapped Behind Clouds (WiDo Publishing), and Hairway to Heaven Stories (Cherry Castle Publishing). www.pattysomlo.com. |
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Julie L. Vandekreke
Julie L. Scharf is a lover and writer of creative nonfiction, and has published over several short stories, essays, and poems. She is the author of short CNF pieces titled The Train of Bobby´s Life, Remnants, and Signals. Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, she now resides in Colorado. |
Danetta Barney
Danetta Barney submitted the works Fragile, The Destroyer and The Takeover. |
| Mary Brzustowicz
Mary Brzustowicz submitted the work Playing Swedish. |
| Pam Clements
Pam Clements submitted the works Lobo, Overnight and Violets. |
| Marchell Dyon
Marchell Dyon is a published disabled poet. She believes her disability has inspired her creative spark. Her most recent poems have been published in Silver Blade Magazine, Torrid Literature Journal, Dead Snakes Magazine and Abyss and Apex Magazine. This is her second time to be published in Mused Bella Online, Her first poems were Still Life and From Water I draw you still. She is from Chicago IL. |
| David Edwards
David Edwards was born, and continues to live, in Muncie, Indiana. |
| Louis Gallo
Louis Gallo's work has appeared or will shortly appear in Southern Literary Review, FictionFix, Glimmer Train, Hollins Critic, Rattle, Southern Quarterly, Litro, NewOrleans Review, Xavier Review, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Missouri Review, BerkeleyFiction Review, and Mississippi Review. He teaches at Radford University in Radford, Virginia. |
| John Grey
John Grey is an Australian born poet. Recently published in Oyez Review, Rockhurst Review and Spindrift with work upcoming in New Plains Review, Big Muddy Review, Willow Review and Louisiana Literature.
| Brian Horner
Brian Horner submitted the works Forgotten, New Age Transfusion and The Chainless Youth. |
| Tina Kotrla
Tina Kotrla submitted the works For John Berryman, Semi-Precious and Tapioca Pearls. |
| Ash Krafton
Ash Krafton submitted the work Earth, Depersonalized. |
| Kate M. Lynch
Kate M. Lynch submitted the works Hearts of Blood, Starlight and Sunset. |
| Cynthia Manycolors
Cynthia began writing poetry when she was a teenager and is working on some essays and a science fiction novel. She is also working in a drug and alcohol treatment agency and going to school. Her two sons are grown up now and she is enjoying the time and space to write more often than previously. |
| Joan McNerney
Joan McNerney’s poetry has been included in numerous literary zines such as Camel Saloon, Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Blueline, Missing of the Birds, and included in Bright Hills Press, Kind of A Hurricane Press and Poppy Road Review anthologies. She has been nominated three times for Best of the Net.
| Julie Chen Merritt
Julie Chen Merritt submitted the works A Little Rain, After the Rain, Cold Water, Falling Down and Long Way Home. |
| Faris Naimi
Faris Naimi submitted the work Graffiti. |
| Norma Sadler
Norma Sadler submitted the work Letters to My Mother and Father. |
| Ophelia Sikes
Ophelia Sikes finds that the more she travels, the more she realizes how much we are all alike. We have the same needs, dreams, heartaches, despairs, and hopes. She hopes her images share the beauty that lies all around us. Ophelia’s novels are at OpheliaSikes.com. |
| Acquanetta M. Sproule
Acquanetta M. Sproule submitted the work Waking Up. |
| Joanna M. Weston
JOANNA M. WESTON. Married; has two cats, multiple spiders, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses. Her middle-reader, ‘Those Blue Shoes´, published by Clarity House Press; and poetry, ‘A Summer Father’, published by Frontenac House of Calgary. Her eBook, ‘The Willow Tree Girl’ at her blog: http://www.1960willowtree.wordpress.com/ |
| William Darrah Whitaker
William Darrah Whitaker submitted the work A Most Grand Idea. |
| Andrea Wyatt
Andrea Wyatt submitted the works Breeze on the Anacostia, The Trees of West Palm Beach and Who's Got Shoes?. |