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BellaOnline's Relationships Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Relationships Site! These are the top ten articles that your Relationships Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Real Man? Please Step Forward!
Someone recently told me that he knew how to be a real man and to admit when he was wrong. That was a good start but being a real man is much more. A real man does not blame others for problems he creates. Only a fool would try to fly a kite in a hurricane and then blame the wind for stealing it...

2. Are You in Love With Being In Love?
There are many emotions involved in relationships between two people - not only love; but love seems to get all of the attention most of the time. Do you love me? Why don’t you tell me you love me? Will he run if I use the L word? Are you sure you love him or are you in love with being IN LOVE?

3. The Gingerbread Man and How the Cookie Crumbles
“Run, run fast as you can, can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.” I often return to children’s stories to make a point by identifying the moral of a story and then applying it to commonly occurring behavior in today’s world. This is no different - LOL. Go ahead and laugh - you know you want to!

4. Perfect In Every Way – No Way
Why would anyone want to be perfect in every way? Cookie cutter perfection is boring but variety is the spice of life and unique. If someone asks you if you want to be perfect in every way, I hope you'll say - No way I'd rather be unique and spicy at any given time on any given day!

5. The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants; Brain Sez?
Many of us have heard the saying that “the heart wants what the heart wants”, but what does that mean; and shouldn’t the brain have something to say about it too? After all the heart is like an engine in your body but the brain is like a computer. So what does the brain have to say?

6. Invisible? Ghost? Wear Sunglasses at Night?
So you put on your shades, and have your eyes closed behind them. That should do it right? Especially if you wear those sunglasses at night, right? That should be enough to make you invisible. You can just keep pretending you’re taking care of life and not just wasting time on nonsense right? Wrong!

7. A Lovers Mantra - True Love Finds A Way
Here is a special mantra in honor of Love, Hearts, Flowers and Valentines Day. Repeat after me, True Love Finds A Way!

8. Tornadoes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Rumbling Words
What do tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes and rumbling emotions and words have in common? They often leave overwhelming consequences of rubble, destruction and clean-up in their wake and they are rarely unaccompanied by repercussions. It's important to control rumbling emotions and words.

9. Stubbornness – Is It Destructive Behavior
If you have functional ears but refuse to hear another persons viewpoint because you are too busy stubbornly shouting your viewpoint loud enough to drown out the words of others, that’s an example of destructive stubborn behavior. Are you too stubborn for your own good?

10. Are Your Hearts In Two Different Places?
It’s a well known concept that opposites attract. Just like two magnets that only connect when the opposite poles meet, people who are polar opposites of each other often seem to be attracted. But what about their hearts, can two people complete each other if their hearts are in different places?

Be sure to visit the Relationships Archives for all the articles!


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